Latest News, exhibitions and festival screenings

From Animations

When the Icehorn Blows

My newest animation for the new release album ´The Beauty of Winter`of  Terje Isungset, is now online! Is has been a real pleasure to work with his music!
Animation: Simone Hooymans
Second animator: Hans Pulles
Music Terje Isungset,  and the great singers Maria Skranes, Radik Tyulyush, Beatrice Deer & Evie Mark.

Meet Me There to Grimstad !

I am happy to announce that:

My animation Meet Me There – Meet Me Then, with music of Terje Isungset,  is nominated for Best Music Video at the Short Film Festival in Grimstad, Norway!

It takes place from 13. til 17. june in Grimstad !

The Avalanche will rollllll !

I am very happy and proud to announce that NFI (Norwegian Film Institute) will support the production of my animation Ras ! I will work on this animation in 2018, together with producer Aldeles.



Om kortfilmane: 

– Nivået i denne runden var både jamt og høgt. Då må ein gå for det som på ein eller annan måte stikk seg ut. Farse, Ras og Hysj er alle svært markante og distinkte prosjekt innan kvar si uttrykksform. Dette blir filmar som kjem til å etterlate eit avtrykk hos tilskodaren, seier Filmkonsulent for spillefilm og dramaserier Ståle Stein Berg om søknadsrunden som var ein såkalla second opinion for produksjonstilskot til kortfilm.


Aldeles AS og regissør Simone Hooymans er tildelt 600.000 kroner i produksjonstilskot til kortfilmen Ras, som er ein eksperimentell animasjon der Hooymans utforskar dei transformerande kreftene i både ytre og indre katastrofar.

Work in Progres

At the moment I am working on a new music video for Trio Røyst. I love my jobb 🙂



Broken Horizon is selected for the


that takes place on 9 November 2017 – 3 March 2018

The Cultural Association Officina delle Idee aims to achieve with the sponsorship of the City of Cittadella (PD) , the Veneto Region and the Province of Padua , the second edition of Geo Film Festival – The Cinema of the Elements , using the artistic direction of director and actor Rocco Cosentino and in collaboration with composers Maurizio Merli and M° Siro Zilio .

Geo Film Festival wants to present to all operators , filmmakers and the general public as competition and innovation of the subject matter : Environment . Earth, Water , Fire, Air objectives such as the creation and production of medium to short films. So the Cinema of the Elements for which each of us is called to participate and make it a professional goal , social and moral .

Semi Finalist Belgium

My animation Rett Ned made it til Semi finalist in the competition of the selection for International Short Film Festival Kalmthout in Belgium !


Høstutstillingen 2017

I am very happy to announce that:

My animation Meet Met There – Meet Me Then, with music of Terje Isungset is selected for the very prestigious:

130th Norwegian State Annual Art exhibition 2017

The exhibition, finds place at the Kunstnernes Hus in Oslo and will open for the public on:
saturday 16th september kl.14.00.
Last exhibition day will be sunday 15th oktober.

There will be an artist Talk about the films showing at the exhibition. Date to be announced soon!


Statens 130. Kunstutstilling – Høstutstillingen 2017

Utstillingen åpner for publikum lørdag 16. september kl.14.00
Siste utstillingsdag er søndag 15. oktober
Øvrig program for utstillingen legges ut før åpning

Åpningstider/opening hours:
Tirsdag – fredag 09.00 – 18.00
09.00 – 11.00 forbeholdt skoleklasser
NB: Torsdag 28. september stenger utstillingen kl.17.00
Lørdag – søndag 11.00 – 18.00
Mandager stengt

Award winning Rett Ned


This picture says it all! The reason I am so happy here, is because my music video Rett Ned for Building Instrument has won the Honorabel Mention Award at the Norwegian Short Film festival at Grimstad, in Norway !

The jury: Making a music video for an instrumental song could be a daring task. In this video based on a hand drawn world, the music and the visuals are complementing each other in a memorable fashion.
It is meticulous, meditative and elusive.

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